In my artistic practice, I often create collages using glossy magazines. The method itself is well-suited to the study of one of my key themes – the search for integrity. I identify two key processes within it: filtration and reconstruction.

Often my working material is glossy magazines and the latest information being released in the world of information. Filtration, cutting out, purification, the selection of the material – this is a key stage, the moment of meeting with the stream of entropy and chaos, its unavoidability. I work through each magazine in detail: I cut up each page into sections and sort through them, with the significant fragments becoming the building material. The magazine can't be replaced, for example, with colored paper, what's important is the flow of thought that carries the ore and fragments along with the precious ingots, the meeting with aggressive informational noise and its processing.

The second key stage is the search for integrity. Of the varied fragments selected, I put together a new whole, I look for natural, organic ways to link them. I observe the way in which a form is gradually molded by my hands, and images and meanings materialize.

During an era of "art without craft", when the "fabricated" nature of the work has long since receded into the background, the many hours and even months of painstaking work involved in the process of searching and making are of crucial importance to me. That process cannot be delegated to a third party for execution, it's a personal, therapeutic, almost existential practice that provides access to powerful conditions, to a new quality of practice that transforms both the material and myself to an equal extent.


Born in Moscow. Graduated from MTLP (artist-fashion designer, 1999) and continued studying painting and graphics over different periods with select masters. Graduated from the psychology faculty of MEGU. Graduated from the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow (ICA Moscow, the educational program «New Artistic Strategies»). Participated in international exchange programs, sharing experience in the fields of art and art therapy in Europe, specifically in the Netherlands (HAN University, Nijmegen, 2012) Since 2007, has been the founder and leader of art groups in Russia and abroad. Created her own art school. Since 2013, has been running touring lend-art groups. Teacher at the British Higher School of Design. Member of the International Art Therapy Association, member of the International Art Fund.
Exhibitions and Projects

  • «Art-Moscow» A special project of ICA «Fwd:Re:Form?» (Moscow, 2006)
  • Graphics «Pechatniki» gallery (Moscow, 2007)
  • «Art-Moscow» A special project of ICA. A series titled «List of dangerous substances and objects passengers and members of the crew are banned from taking on civilian airplanes» (Moscow 2007)
  • Konstmaraton «My turn». Gallery Cinnamoni (Sweden, 2012)
  • «10 letters for artist» in collaboration with Marina Skepner (Germany) Moscow, The 4th International Conference on Expressive Arts Therapy (Moscow, 2013)
  • Leader of the lend-art group. Objects and installations (Gostilovo village, Pskov Oblast, 2013)
  • «Congratulations cards for nonexistent celebrations for my friends», International Art-Therapy Conference (Moscow, 2014)
  • Videoart «Rafail Buinitsky» Leader of the lend-art group. Objects and installations (Gostilovo village, Pskov Oblast, 2015)
  • A personal «Exhibition which would have been titled «Defragmentation» if that title hadn't already been used», CCI «FABRIKA» (Moscow, 2016)
  • A personal exhibition «9386 fragments», G8 gallery (Moscow, Gorky-8, 2016-17)

«Photostudio» magazine (Photomasterskaya), May 2013 - Interview
«Art & Therapy» magazine, June 2013 - artwork on the cover
«Art & Therapy» magazine, October 2013 - artwork on the cover
«Art & Therapy» magazine, February 2014 - artwork on the cover
«Art & Therapy» magazine, April 2014 - artwork on the cover
«Eclectic» magazine, January 2017 - Interview

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